In the summer of 2024 we transitioned to Grade-based camp weeks and found it a great experience for our campers. In 2025 we will be continuing our Grade-specific weeks. See why below.
To enhance our campers' experience at Walcamp, we are shifting programs so that each week of summer camp can focus on a specific camper age.
- First graders and High School students see the world through very different eyes. This approach gives campers focused faith development experiences (Bible Encounters, devotions, camp songs) with age-appropriate topics, Bible stories and life applications.
- Campers demonstrate varying levels of growth. Activities like all-camp games, cookouts, GIC team challenges, and other activities can challenge campers at a level appropriate for their mental, emotional, physical, and social development.
- By interacting with peers, campers can see and interact with other Christians their age, growing in their personal faith while experiencing what it means to live in community with others.
- A progression of activities for campers, with new activities to look forward to each year. By incorporating “specialties” into programs for older campers, we provide options and experiences that appeal to campers' interests and giving them something new to look forward to in future summers.
This change allows us to provide a program tailor-made for our campers’ developmental, social, and faith needs - so that we may proclaim the Gospel to them in a way that they can best understand it.
Have additional questions about our grade-based summer camps? Visit our FAQ here.
Grades 1-3
Grades 3-6
Grades 6-8
Grades 1-3
July 27 - July 30, 2025
Cost is $230
The Premiere program is for kids wanting a first look at the camp experience! Enjoy all of the classic camp fun in half of the time. Campers will get the opportunity to try canoeing, hiking, cooking over a campfire, and more to get a taste of camp. Campers will also get to walk through stories from the Bible and campfire devotions to foster age-appropriate faith development!
Try camp for the first time with this approachable Premiere program!
Grades 3-6
June 22- June 27, 2025
July 13 - July 18, 2025
Cost is $525
The Explorer program is our classic camp offering! Experience a week away from home while making new lifelong friends, trying things you’ve never thought of before, and
growing in your faith! In addition to the classic camp activities, kids will get to enjoy campouts, cookouts, and an electric campfire at the end of the week.
The Explorer program is a great next step in our overnight camping progression for your camper to enjoy.
Grades 6-8
July 6-11, 2025
July 20-25, 2025
Cost is $525 + any specialty fees listed below.
Take the camp experience to the next level with the Voyager program! New this year to Walcamp, campers that participate in Voyager will get to select a specialty to focus on throughout the week.
* The Challenge Course specialty will work through our low and high challenge course elements and will get the opportunity to celebrate their growth as a team with an off-site adventure.
* The Fine Arts specialty will encompass a variety of art forms, from music to painting and everything in between. (There is an additional $30 for this specialty)
* Campers that select the Canoeing specialty will get to practice their skills on the water and then put them to the test with an overnight off-site canoe trip. (There is an additional $100 for this specialty)
* The Horse specialty will get to go off-site to learn how to care for and ride horses. (There is an additional $150 for this specialty)
Camp Agape
Serving persons with special needs
Jr Counselors
Grades 9-12
Camp Agape
Grades 3-8
June 29- July 3, 2025
Cost is $575
Experience a week away from home while making new lifelong friends, trying things you’ve never thought of before, and growing in your faith! In addition to the classic camp activities, kids will get to enjoy campouts, cookouts, and an electric campfire at the end of the week.
Jr Counselors
Grades 9-12
Various Weeks
Earn service hours this summer with one or more weeks at Walcamp. Share your faith and serve youth, families, and persons with special needs. The ideal Jr Counselor is Christ-focused, enthusiastic, and has a heart to serve others.
Sleep-away Camps
Sleep-away Camp Summary
- Our Summer Sleep-Away Camps run Sunday through Friday, except as noted
- Drop-off times are between 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm on the first day listed (typically Sunday)
- Our Closing Ceremony is Friday at 11:00 am followed by check-out until 11:45 am, or at 11 am on the last day listed.
- Please plan on eating prior to your arrival on Sunday.
Click here to visit our Parent Guide - All you need to know about your upcoming week at Walcamp.

Frequently Asked Questions
Will/how will the treehouses be used if there’s no treehouse specific camp?
The fan favorite treehouses will continue to be used! However, we will be utilizing them as an overnight camp-out site instead of a week-long residence. Campers in our Explorer, Voyager, and Navigation camps can expect one campout during their week at camp. We love creating new experiences for our campers and camping out is often one of the favorites!
Will Night Owl camp be offered? What about Gamer camp?
Night Owl, Treehouse, and Gamer camps will not be offered this summer. However, we know that these camps are special to a lot of our campers and we are working to integrate some of the unique aspects of each of these camps into our new program offerings. One of the main things that made these programs was the ability to choose a specific camp experience. We are creating a similar opportunity for this specialization and progression through camp programs in our Voyager Specialties.
What are the “specialties” for Voyager camp and what do they include?
The canoeing specialty will combine the classic canoe training with adventure and whimsy! The week will take the campers through learning the necessary canoeing skills for going on an offsite river canoeing trip. In addition to this, the campers will learn more about the mechanics of a canoe and use this knowledge to create their own lake-worthy vessel!
This group of campers will head off-site to a local stable for lessons on caring for horses, riding horses, and more!
Fine Arts
Dive into honing your skill set in a variety of artistic areas! Learn how to keep a sketchbook from a local artist and then take those skills off-site and sketch the beauty of a nearby state park. Plan, prep, and host a skit and talent night for the end of the week camp celebration! There will be opportunities to refine musical skills, drawing skills, and theatrical skills!
Challenge Course
Work your way through ice breaking games, trust building exercises, and accomplish all that your group can in this specialty! The pinnacle of teamwork and accomplishment within this progression at camp includes experiencing our high ropes elements.
In addition to all of these exciting activity options, paintball will also be offered to this age group of campers. The Voyager program seeks to give campers the classic camp experience in new and exciting ways!
What if my camper wants to come with a friend who is separated by one grade for the age groups?
The majority of our programs offer an overlap for the upper and lower age groups to try and help minimize this issue. However, the High School program does not overlap with our middle school groups. If there are any questions regarding exceptions for age groups, please contact Anna “Pearl” Reineke. Each camper situation for the age gap will be considered on a case by case basis.
What if my premiere camper wants to stay for the full week?
What a wonderful thing to know that your child wants to spend more time at camp! That means we’ve done our job well and have stirred up a child that will want to come back to camp to keep growing in their faith and new experiences. However, for our first and second grade friends, developmentally, a week away from home is really difficult. Doing a half week allows them to experience the height of excitement of camp and end on a really good note! If your camper is in third grade and you believe they are ready for a week away from home, feel free to select our Explorer option for them!
What does the Navigation program include for my high schooler?
Navigation is a high energy, faith building experience like no other! Experience high ropes, paintball, intentional leadership mentorship, friendly competition, and faith growth like you never have before! Alongside of the adventures we have planned for this group, time is set aside for Bible studies, worship, and Christian leadership development. Plan on walking away from this experience on fire for the Lord with other Christian friends you wouldn’t have met any other way!
Did we miss a question you have?
Email Youth@Walcamp.org

Day Camp
An ideal Christ-centered option for your summer daycare needs. Hike in the woods, canoe, wade in a river, play games and still be home by dinner! Try a day or stay the whole summer!
Click here for Day Camp information and registration.
We reserve the right to alter or cancel any program for the safety of ALL our guests and team members.

Camp Agape
Serving persons with developmental disabilities
Camp Agape serves persons with special needs. Campers hike, canoe, fish, swim, and play games requiring some physical ability alongside their camp “buddies.” Our integrated groups serve about six campers per two team members or volunteers.
Camp Agape Summary
- Walcamp evaluates the needs of each individual to determine the best program fit for them.
- Campers requiring closer personal attention may be asked to attend with a personal caregiver.
Camp Agape Schedule
We reserve the right to alter or cancel any program for the safety of ALL our guests and team members.
- Camp Agape Advent Retreat
December 15-17, 2023 (Friday-Sunday)- Campers and Volunteers celebrate Advent and Christmas with activities and games, seasonal crafts, songs, stories and more.
- Camp Agape Palm Sunday Retreat
March 22-24, 2024 (Friday-Sunday)- Campers and Volunteers celebrate Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter with activities and games, seasonal crafts, songs, stories and more.
- 2024 Camp Agape Summer Retreats
June 30-July 3 (Sunday-Wednesday)- Cost is $525- Campers and Volunteers experience a three-day summer retreat offering all your camp favorites: nature walks, games, swimming, S'mores, hayrides, songs, campfires and more.
Join us as a "Camp Buddy" and share the camp experience and the love of Jesus with individuals who need camp the most during this season of social and physical distancing. Our ability to offer these programs can be directly influenced by the number of helping hands willing to serve. See for yourself why many of our camp staff and volunteers describe Camp Agape as "the best week of my summer!"
- High School students are asked to register as Jr Counselors (during Summer Camp)
- Adults age 18 or older please register as Adult Volunteers
- Can't attend for an entire event? Please email angie@Walcamp.org if you can serve for a day, or if you want to help in other ways.