Packing List

Packing List

(You Are Here)

The following items will help your child enjoy their camp experience:


Day Events

  • A “Backpack” and a second “Day Pack” (see descriptions below)
  • Bible
  • Book(s) to read: school appropriate comics, books or activity/coloring books are acceptable
  • Camera (not a phone camera)
  • Cap or hat
  • Cloth masks or bandannas (optional)
  • Extra set of clothing
  • Facial tissues
  • Insect repellent & sunscreen
  • Jacket or hooded sweatshirt
  • Lip balm
  • Plastic “grocery” bag for wet laundry items
  • Small “throw” blanket and a pillow
  • Swimsuit and beach towel
  • Rain jacket or poncho
  • Two pairs of outside shoes: a pair to run in and a pair of “mud/water” shoes (see below)
  • Water bottle, labeled with your child’s name

Overnight Events

  • A "Day Pack" (see below)
  • Bible
  • Pillow, sheets (twin beds) ... and a blanket or sleeping bag
  • Plastic bag(s) for laundry & wet items (towel & muddy shoes)
  • Camera (not phone camera)
  • Cap or hat
  • Cloth masks or bandannas (optional)
  • Clothing for a week (or weekend)
  • Extra socks and underwear
  • Facial tissues
  • Flashlight w/extra batteries
  • Indoor slippers/shower shoes
  • Insect repellent & sunscreen
  • Light jacket or hooded sweat-shirt
  • Lip balm
  • Pajamas/bathrobe
  • Two pairs of outside shoes: a pair to run in and a pair of “mud/water” shoes (see below)
  • Rain jacket (preferred) or poncho
  • Soap, shampoo and shower towel
  • Stationery, envelopes and stamps
  • Swimsuit and beach towel (bring two suits if desired)
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Water bottle
  • If participating in Horse Camp closed-toe shoes or boots with a heel are required as well as long pants

Beyond Summer Camp

All Seasons

  • Adapt either the "Day Event" or "Overnight Event," depending on what program you are attending.
  • Seasonal Gear (below)

Autumn & Spring

  • Long sleeve t-shirts
  • Two or more sweatshirts or sweaters
  • Light jacket or windbreaker
  • Rain jacket (preferred) or poncho
  • Rain boots or waders


Illinois winters have seen less snow recently, but you should still bring gear to play outside in the cold.

  • Gloves (insulated is best)
  • Stocking cap or ear muffs
  • Snow boots
  • Winter coat

Helpful clothing items


Day Pack

Bringing a small day pack or book bag lets campers carry what they need for specific activity times and keeps their hands free to play and explore - without the need to carry ALL their belongings with them to every activity.

Overnight Luggage

  • Campers spending one or more nights can bring a carry-on size suitcase or a "Loot Box" (a 66 Qt. plastic container with a lid works well) to carry and store their gear while at Walcamp.
    • Storage space is limited in our bunk rooms, so please avoid bringing full-size luggage with you - one easy measure is to ask, "Is my child's suitcase larger than my child?"
    • A second cloth laundry bag can also be helpful. You can use it to carry bedding a pillow to camp, and then have your camper use it to bring home their sheets and dirty laundry - and packing their pillow in their less-full suitcase. Also, a distinctive cloth laundry bag is harder to misplace at Pick-up than a generic trash bag.

Backpack (Day Camp)

  • Our Day Campers are encouraged to bring a carry-on size backpack to hold all of their gear. This allows easy transportation between your vehicle and their activity areas, and also helps as a guide so they do not pack too much stuff.
    • Backpacks should be checked at home DAILY after camp to remove wet or soiled laundry, remove any crafts and 'take-home' projects, and to confirm that all your child's belongings returned home with them.
    • It helps if each camper is able to carry their own belongings without assistance from a team member, but we are happy to assist as needed, especially with our younger campers.

Plastic Grocery Bag(s)

Highly recommended. Sending these with your camper helps separate wet clothes and mud shoes from the dry stuff in your child’s day pack and keeps your vehicle clean.

Seasonal and Extra Clothes

Whatever the weather, it helps if you pack at least one extra set of clothing for your child. Accidents can happen, as do rain, mud and other factors. Bring 2-3 extra pairs of socks!

It is a good idea to pack a little extra to prepare for the season. Even if snow is not predicted, a warm jacket and gloves will make your child's outdoor adventures more enjoyable.

Mud Shoes

"Mud shoes" are sturdy old sneakers or water moccasins your camper can get wet and muddy, keeping their normal shoes clean and dry. The goal is for your camper to play safe in mud or in murky water where they might step on submerged sticks, rocks or other potentially sharp objects.

  • Mud Shoes MUST be closed-toed, fasten securely to your child’s feet, and should be expected to get wet or muddy.
  • Avoid flip-flops, Crocs, open-toed sandals and expensive shoes like Air Jordan’s.


Our summer campers play in the water daily, Monday-Thursday, weather permitting.

  • Swimwear should be as modest as possible - Aquatic play at camp is active - your child may be jumping, splashing, wrestling, climbing, and playing in mud - and we take pictures at most activities to share with family members back home. A modest two-piece swimsuit is acceptable; no bikinis please.
  • Some female campers choose to bring athletic shorts to wear over their suit when they explore our creek and the river, and for our slip-and-slide.
  • Some campers find that wearing a light cotton or "swim" shirt helps reduce the risk of sunburn, especially during our teen river canoe trips.


Items to Leave at Home

All Programs

    • To avoid the risks of damage or loss, Walcamp does not permit campers to carry electronic devices at camp -
      cell phones, tablets, smart watches, laptops, portable video games, portable DVD/BlueRay players, MP3 players, etc.
    • If you prefer to leave a cell-phone at camp with your child, please check it in with a team member (or your child's Retreat Group Leader) just as you would with an epi-pen or inhaler. These items are returned at pick-up time.
  • Valuable Possessions. It sometimes happens that belongings get mixed-up, broken, lost or forgotten at camp during the course of a day or week. Please avoid sending anything of significant monetary or sentimental value to reduce this risk.
  • Silly string
  • Weapons, knives, alcohol and illegal substances
  • Gum or food (including candy)
    • Retreat participants may bring snacks with permission from their group leader
    • All Snacks must be stored in sealed containers or packaging, and be eaten in designated locations.
    • Keeping and eating snacks in the bunk rooms encourages all the little forest creatures to move in with our campers. This is especially true for our Treehouses and trip (tent) camps.

Summer Day Camp

  • Flip-flops and expensive or “stylish” shoes. Stick to shoes that can get dirty and are safe to wear when running.
  • Money. Your day camper does not need money at camp. Snacks are included with registration, and you can ask to purchase souvenirs from our office staff weekday mornings after you drop off your camper.

Lost & Found

Walcamp collects the items lost each week. Our staff does their best to return these items to their owners. Please contact our office as soon as you realize something is missing and we will do what we can to help find it for you. We generally do not keep lost underwear or socks.

  • Unclaimed items are added to our supply of "extra clothes on hand" or donated after two weeks.
  • Extra clothes on hand?
    • Walcamp maintains a small stockpile of common essentials in the event that a guest forgets something at home. This includes basic toiletries (soap, shampoo, toothpaste) and occasionally larger items - extra t-shirts or "river float shoes" as they are made available by donation or design (ie. abandoned in Lost and Found).
    • Please talk to Ben or email to discuss what items we can accept as a donation towards this stockpile to help our campers - since our storage space is limited!