Walcamp is a year-round Christian ministry in Kingston, Illinois offering camp programs for youth, families, and groups. We have something for everybody - youth camps, day camps, weekend family camping, and programs for persons with special needs. Walcamp is a great place to experience fun camp activities, build new friendships, grow stronger in your faith, and go into the outdoors!
Our Mission
Providing outdoor ministry where Creation is Explored, Christ is Exalted, and Christians are Equipped to Glorify God.
Our Vision
Transforming lives through exemplary Christ-centered outdoor experiences. All will be inspired and equipped to faithfully impact the world.
Statement of Faith
At Walcamp, we strive to be faithful to the Triune God who has revealed himself in Holy Scripture: The Father, maker of heaven and earth, Jesus Christ, true God and true man, who for our sake became man, lived, died and rose again for the salvation of the world, and the Holy Spirit who creates and sustains faith through Word and Sacraments.
The three persons of the Trinity are co-equal and co-eternal.
We believe that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone as revealed in Scripture alone.
We uphold the doctrines of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. More information is available at www.lcms.org/about/beliefs.
ACA Accredited Camp
Walcamp is accredited by the American Camp Association and upholds the highest standard of excellence concerning safety and organization.
Walcamp Facts
• Walcamp was established in 1963 by high-school-age Walther League members.
• Walcamp is a recognized service organization of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, but not owned by the Synod, district or any other organization.
• Walcamp is incorporated as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
• Walcamp is supported through usage fees and contributions from individuals and congregations.
• Walcamp’s facilities include the main lodge; two cabins; the Thiel Center, an adult retreat and nature center; and a 34-site campground with six camping cabins.
• Each summer, Walcamp hires college students, many of whom are training for teaching or other church-work professions, to lead its summer camp programs.